Online training

Online learning: Our narrative arts practices training is available fully online. This allows you to take the training anywhere in the world either 1) at your own pace, or alternatively 2) ’embark’ at scheduled points of departure throughout the year. The second option allows for more real time interaction.

Interaction based on series and lessons: We use various ways of engaging students. The core mode of interaction is through online ‘SERIES’ and ‘LESSONS.’ Each series consists of a number of lessons. The online system will guide you through and keep track of where you are in the series and lessons. Each lesson in a series has a number of activities. They include some reading in your internet browser, references to other sources and video material. The lessons also explain and tell you to do certain activities: things that you have to make, perhaps people you have to seek out, events you might want to consider, scheduling live audio/video chats with us, photos you have take and upload and more.

Scheduling and keeping track: While the system will keep track you will have to mark where appropriate that you have completed a certain activity. Students have three months to complete a series. Considering that there are about twelve weeks in a three month period, on average you have between one to two weeks to complete an individual lesson. A certificate will be generated for successful completion of each series.

Hardware and technology: Most modern technology will do the job just fine. You have to be able to depend on it. The most intensive activity technological speaking is perhaps the live audio/video aspect. At times you also need an abundant amount of data for watching videos.