

Throughout the year we host workshops on a wide range of topics. Workshops are also seen as introductory events. At each workshop we cover three things: 1) A particular topic; 2) going about the topic in a narrative/story approach;
3) draw into the experience some form of art to the extend that venue and other factors would allow, or alternatively exchange ideas about using a chosen art with the topic and a narrative approach (in your own story, or those you want to help in coaching, counselling or other way of helping).

Practical experiential understanding

Workshops are ideal for developing a practical understanding of what we do at the intersection between a narrative approach and the arts. We have made it as cost effective as we can because what we do really shines through if you see the application of the narrative-arts interaction across a wide range of a) topics (leadership, parenting, depression, other) and b) ways of helping (such as coaching, therapy, facilitation, other).


Because of its importance we have made the tuition part of the workshops free or as close as possible to it for our online students. Otherwise, they vary in cost but are usually around R500 per person for a workshop from around 08:30 – 13:30.
Workshop style and venue is adapted based on whether we intend for it to be a,

Micro-Workshop: 5-9 people (Most interactive, least formal, conversational, depth)
Small to medium-Workshop: 10-25 people
Large: 25-39 people

We prefer most workshops to be Micro or Small.


Workshop participants receive certificates from us and with those certificates they are eligible to join Signo Professional as a voluntary and interdisciplinary professional body and community of professionals/practitioners, starting out as Affiliate Signo Professionals for counselling, coaching or other focus helping agencies.

Enhanced learning

Workshops give participants a good idea about our more extensive online Storyography programme which is self paced but should take no more than six months. If you attend workshops during this time (which would be free as explained) this would make the online programme a blended learning programme.

During any time there might be listed outings (not workshops) where in small groups we attend/do diverse activities. These may include visiting crafts markets, going to an arts exhibition, watching a particular movie. The conversation at these activities seek to further embed the learning around the narrative-arts interaction.